Thursday, September 25, 2008

An experiment

While I'm pretty set on wanting to present the text in one long vertical strip ("cinematically," as my wonderful classmate said on Monday) I wanted to see what would happen if I scrapped that idea momentarily and made the poem into a poster. Here's what I have after playing around for a couple hours. Not sure how far I want to take it.


Craig said...

I do like the shapes that are formed when you look at this from afar, especially the "sail" shape on the right. It is a little awkward to read, although it is fun to see where the eye should go as it is not immediately obvious. This is interesting, but I think I prefer your original format.

Erika said...

At this point it looks like a question mark (missing the bottom point) which seems to align well with the pieces of text you had drawn attention to in your first iteration. I suppose if you stuck with the original length of text you were using, you still have a good amount more of text...